march, 2018

06mar7:30 pm11:00 pmKa Baird, Diana Policarpo & Jenuno, Hack MysticUpset The Rhythm presents 7:30 pm - 11:00 pm Upstairs

Event Details

KA BAIRD is a multi-instrumentalist and vocalist living and working in NYC. She is one of the founding and continuing members of the long running avant-psych project Spires That In The Sunset Rise. Described by Jack Rose as a “female Sun City Girls,” STITSR have contributed a different slant to the New Folk movement by incorporating various avant-garde and world music influences into their music. Their sound has been compared to the Raincoats, Meredith Monk, Comus and Harry Partch. Their most recent album “Beasts In The Garden” was described by Marc Masters as “some kind of long-lost Terry Riley/Angus MacLise collaboration, equally devoted to divine repetition and center-seeking ritual.” Since 2001, they have released eight full length records and several side releases.

After relocating to NYC in November 2014, Baird has set off in numerous directions apart from Spires with new collaborations as well as honing in on her own solo work. Her current work explores piano improvisation, electroacoustic interventions, extended vocal techniques, physical movement, and her unusual electronic manipulation of the flute. She released an album of piano improvisations through Brooklyn label Perfect Wave “See Sun Think Shadow” in November of 2015 and a tribute record ‘A Love Supreme’ dedicated to John Coltrane through Chicago label No Index in January of 2016. Most recently Baird released ‘Sapropelic Pycnic’ through Drag City described as a possession, a catharsis, a transformation; an act of physical consumption, a much needed sacred gesture.

DIANA POLICARPO & JEJUNO will collaborate on a piece for this concert. Diana Policarpo is a visual artist and free composer based in London and Lisbon working in drawing, score, sculpture, performance and multi-channel sound installation. Her work investigates power relations, popular culture and gender politics, juxtaposing the rhythmic structuring of sound as a tactile material within the social construction of esoteric ideology. She creates performances and installations to examine experiences of vulnerability and empowerment associated with acts of exposing oneself to the capitalist world. As well as working on solo projects she often collaborates and has recently made live performances with Scratch Orchestra, Hákarl, Áine O’Dwyer, AAS, Cabiria, Erinyes and The Orchestra of Futuristic Noise Intoners.

Jejuno is Sara Rafael, a photographer and plastic artist from Lisbon who, over the last years, has made known her trippy, sonorous musical dimension. Check out her recent cassette release on Urubu Tapes.

HACK MYSTIC makes broken devotional music built from layers of doomy lounge guitar and cheap drones. Their music occupies a shadowy space between jazz and drone, swamped in tape hiss and fusing elements of Grouper and Actress with the soundtrack work of Angelo Badalamenti and Ennio Morricone. Live, hack mystic creates improvised guitar loops laden with reverb and delay, as tender as they are unsettling. ‘openwork’, their first EP, was released on cassette by Buried in Space in 2017.

8.20pm Hack Mystic
9pm Diana Policarpo
9.50pm Ka Baird


(Tuesday) 7:30 pm - 11:00 pm




adv £7